Case Studies

Learn how our clients are benefiting from Elevate Patient Financial Solutions' expertise, improving their patient experience and boosting their bottom lines.

Across four service lines, ElevatePFS delivered a 19% increase in collections. Multiple Services Case Study

Multiple Services Case Study

Learn how ElevatePFS significantly improved a provider’s collections across four service lines, boosting their cash flow and supporting critical services for patients and the economic wellbeing of the community.

Collections Improved Veterans Administration Collections Case Study

Improved Veterans Administration Collections Case Study

ElevatePFS successfully optimized VA claims identifications and processing that resulted in quicker and better financial outcomes for their client.

VA Claims Management - Case Study - Veteran discussing map with young boy Veterans Administration Case Study

Veterans Administration Case Study

A multi-hospital system wanted to improve the performance for its Veterans Administration patient inventory. Learn how ElevatePFS highly trained and experienced staff understood the requirements and nuances of the VA program and provided an effective solution.